About Us

Parkashjit Singh, known professionally as Thepssaini, is an Indian YouTube Personality & Tech Blogger based in Punjab India. Thepssaini (Parkashjit Singh) providing latest tech news,gadgets review, digital marketing, seo tips, unboxing gadgets, youtube tutorial, blogging & more on there youtube channel or website.
Meaning Of Thepssaini
Basically thepssaini have three different words the-ps-saini (PS SAINI). Here PS means Parkashjit Singh and SAINI is a caste of North India who were traditionally landowners (zamindars) and farmers. Thepssaini (Parkashjit Singh) combined their name or caste and create their internet name Thepssaini.
Early Life & Career
Thepssaini (Parkashjit Singh) was born in Punjab India. He studied at a khalsa senior secondary school. He was compled her higher secondary in 2018 with 70% in arts stream.
In 2016 he was start their first youtube channel name as Techno Singh on that channel he just post other people videos after some editing. He was created some other channel also but, after sometime he realized that’s wrong. So delete such those channels & in 2018 he started again with channel name Thepssaini . Now he just post own content on that channel.
Basically he upload different types of video. He create videos in different category. Like about blogging, android app development, information about play console accounts, video editing, unboxing latest gadgets or some other tips and tricks.
Thepssaini also run there tech website thepssaini he mostly post about latest gadgets review, how to tutorial, about blogging and many more.